Zodiac Killer Letters July 31, 1969 – Comparison

We find it interesting that the Zodiac Killer took the effort writing three similar letters instead of carbon-copying just one. Furthermore, he did not transcribe the letters exactly. They include some noteworthy variations and inconsistencies. For direct comparison, we listed the three letter texts next to each other.

San Francisco Chronicle

Dear Editor
This is the murderer of the 2 teenagers last Christmass
at Lake Herman + the girl
on the 4th of July near
the golf course in Vallejo
To prove I killed them I
shall state some facts which
only I + the police know.

Vallejo Times-Herald

Dear Editor
I am the killer of the 2 teen-
agers last Christmass at Lake Herman and the Girl last 4th of July. To Prove this I shall state some facts which only I + the police know

San Francisco Examiner

Dear Editor
I am the killer of the 2 teenagers last Christmass at Lake Herman + the girl last 4th of July. To prove this I shall state some facts which only I + the police know.
1 Brand name of ammo
   Super X
2 10 shots were fired
3 the boy was on his back with his feet to the car
4 the girl was on her right
   side feet to the west
1 Brand name of ammo    Super X
2 10 Shots fired
3 Boy was on back feet to car
4 Girl was lyeing on right side
   feet to west
1 brand name of ammo - Super X
2 10 shots fired
3 Boy was on his back with    feet to car
4 Girl was lyeing on right side
   feet to west
4th July
1 girl was wearing paterned
2 The boy was also shot in
   the knee.
3 Brand name of ammo was
4th of July
1 Girl was wearing patterned
2 Boy was also shot in knee
3 Brand name of ammo was    Western
4th July
1 girl was wearing patterned    pants
2 boy was also shot in knee
3 ammo was made by    Western
___________________ __________________
Here is part of a cipher the other 2 parts of this cipher are being mailed to the editors of the Vallejo times + SF Examiner. I want you to print this cipher on the front page of your paper. In this cipher is my idenity. If you do not print this cipher by the afternoon of Fry. 1st of Aug 69, I will go on a kill ramPage Fry. night. I will cruse around all weekend killing lone people in the night then move on to kill again, untill I end up with a dozen people over the weekend. Here is a cyipher or that is
part of one. the other 2 parts
have been mailed to the S.F.
Examiner + the S.F. Chronicle I want you to print this cipher on your frunt page by Fry Afternoon Aug 1-69, If you
do not do this I will go on a
kill ram page Fry night that
will last the whole week end.
I will cruse around and pick
off all stray people or coupples that are alone then move on to kill some more untill I have killed over a dozen people.
Here is a cipher or that is part of one. The other 2 parts are being mailed to the Vallejo Times + S.F. Chronicle I want you to print this cipher on the frunt page by Fry afternoon Aug 1-69. If you do not print this cipher, I will go on a kill rampage Fry night. This will last the whole weekend, I will cruse around killing people who are alone at night untill Sun Night or un till I kill a dozen people.
[crossed-circle symbol]
[crossed-circle symbol]
[crossed-circle symbol]
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